When it comes to cell and gene therapy, AAV and lenti vectors are by far the most common vectors. Check out our free list of AAV and lenti biopharma companies throughout the world, to find info on your favorite AAV or lenti companies. We identified 212 AAV and/or lenti companies based inside the U.S., and 94 outside the U.S.
But, which countries have the most biopharma companies that utilize AAV and lentiviral vectors? Not surprisingly, the U.S. leads the way with 212 companies according to our BiopharmIQ database. The next tier of countries includes China (17), the UK (16), and France (13) (See graphic).

FIG 1: AAV & Lenti Vector Companies by Country
We were surprised that there are 10x more AAV and lenti biopharma companies in the U.S. than any other country, at least according to our database. Plus, we were a bit surprised to learn that Italy and Germany have about 1/2 as many AAV/lenti companies as France, and Japan has less than 1/2 those of Italy and Germany. At least this is according to our BiopharmIQ database, which currently is likely more biased toward U.S. and European companies.
Article History:
MV, DG, JD (08/06/24)
This article is not investment or legal advice.